I’m a LGBT+ immigrant longing to belong!

Feeling lost...

Moving to another country is a big deal. Aside from all the turmoil of dealing with the paperwork, visas, a foreign language, finding affordable housing, work and perhaps a reliable school for your children, you may feel overwhelmed by additional changes.


Immigrant life coach Annette Schlatmann offers a listening ear and effective coaching
so you will find satisfying solutions in any area of your life.

Together, we will look at:

and work towards:

About Annette

I’ve been there. I’m a Dutch citizen who has lived in France, Belgium, and the US. I’ve experienced loneliness and not belonging as a teenager, but I found my way out of fear and depression. Now, I have a fulfilling life with a partner, a dog, and enjoy various activities. I transitioned from painting and journalism to life coaching, earning my Atma diploma in 2018, and furthering my expertise in youth coaching, Transactional Analysis, and Act and Acceptance Therapy. I’m passionate about helping people grow happier and more self-confident, and I’m fluent in English, French, Spanish, and Dutch.